As many of you know, because if you’re friends with me
there’s a good chance you are in science too since, as a scientist, it’s hard
to have a social life and meet people OUTSIDE of science, Americans are the
minority at most major research institutions in the US. We can get into why this may be (*cough*
terrible US education system and the dumbing down of Americans *cough*) some
other time.
Relevant to this conversation is that I know lots of people
from other cultures. NOT so-called
“Americanized” individuals or 2nd generation non-Americans, but
honest to goodness, temporary residents from other cultures. In my former lab, we were a mix of many Asian
cultures and my current lab is similar – we are a mix from Iran, India, Japan,
Korea, China. There are the occasional
Irishman, Brit, Aussy, Frenchman, but in general, the sciences are
chock-a-block full of Asians.
So what do they eat? Are
they really that different from Americans?
YES. The answer is a resounding
My Chinese friend, who is trim, fit and has not an ounce of
body fat, looks like she’s about 30. I
was stunned to find out that she is actually 45. Damn Asian genetics and their awesome
aging. She grows her own vegetables because
she finds American produce “too chemicals” as she puts it in her broken English. She eats meat, vegetables and a HUGE portion
(by even MY American standards) of white rice for lunch, daily. I would say it’s at least a cup of white
rice, maybe a little more or less depending on the size of her scoop that
day. Of course, it’s not Uncle Ben’s. She eats Asian-manufactured brands. If her trees are bearing fruit, she will also
throw in an apple or plum. I have
watched her over the last year and her diet doesn’t differ from this
prescription. I asked her: “What kind of sauces do you use in your
cooking.” “Sauces?” She looked at me a little funny. “You know, like why does your *insert random
vegetable name here* brown? Isn’t there
a sauce on that?” She said: “No, honey, its
just ginger, garlic, oil.” Mmmmkay. So why don’t Chinese people get diabetes as
frequently? White rice has a glycemic
index of 83 per serving. That’s really
high! In case you don’t remember, the
scale goes from 0-100, with 100 being set by the gold-standard of blood
sugar-raising compounds, glucose itself.
83 is pretty far up there. White
rice clearly creates a huge blood sugar peak.
It turns out that the paradox of Asians (in general, not
just the Chinese) and diabetes is really a myth. Studies (most recently one from Johns Hopkins
School of Public Health which is near and dear to my heart) have shown that
diabetes is on the rise in Asia – so common in China these days that as
waistlines grow, so do the number of overweight and diabetic Chinese. There’s no denying that they eat a more
nutritious diet. Meat, lots of fish,
vegetables, rice. That’s the diet. They don’t eat dairy (as a general rule – my Japanese
friends have told me several times that many Asians are actually lactose-intolerant
for multiple reasons. One of the reasons
may be because they are not exposed as kids and their bacterial flora cannot digest
it. I digress.). They don’t eat sweets. Seriously, a sweet in a true Chinese
non-westernized household is red bean paste.
It doesn’t even taste sweet to me – but then again, my palate has been
conditioned with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). They exercise WAY more in the urban
areas. Cities are jam-packed with people
and everyone walks, bikes, runs, jogs. Despite
all of these things, diabetes in Asian populations is rising. I don’t mean to pick on China, these things
hold true for India and Japan as well (although Indians seem to like their
sweets more in my experience! And they
eat cheese too!)
Perhaps most interesting to me is that most Asians I’ve met
don’t eat wheat. Unless they are
Americanized, they don’t eat pizza (cheese and bread – too much for them!),
cereal, crackers, chips, etc. Do we see
a theme here? As modern wheat-based
products and processed foods leech into their diet, so does diabetes, obesity
and a rise in cancer incidence.
Coincidence? Maybe not.
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