Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm still standing...yeah, yeah, yeah.

If you're as old as I am, you know that the title of this post is a song lyric.  If you're a young wipper snapper, you should look it up and get a good edumacation on music.  :P

I'm still here, faithful three readers.  I am down 15 lbs since embarking on my new gluten free, very-low-carb lifestyle.  I get bored, I get restless, I drink beer and wake up feeling ick, but I survive and what I'm doing is working.

I am also exploring some interesting career topics at the mome that I want to share with you.  Despite all evidence to the contrary, I can write a sentence that contains real words and punctuation and grammar and the like.  I have written a pretty durn good review of the field of biomarkers in prostate cancer (maybe I'll let y'all read it someday) and it has prompted me to think a bit about writing in general.  I have an inner monologue in my head at ALL TIMES.  There's always something going on in there, and I've often thought that getting it out on paper might be fun/meaningful/cathartic.  I am almost at that moment in my career where I need to "put up or shut up," to use a fun American crass phrase (I almost wrote the one that has to do with a toilet, ha ha).  I need to decide whether I want to be a research professor, a teaching professor, or one that tries to do both and probably ends up being mediocre at both.  OR, I need to decide to do something different all together.  Science writing. . .technical writing. . .editing. . .these are attractive ideas.

Am I good enough?  Would I miss the bench too much?  What is the right answer?  I wish someone would just tell me so that I can move on.

To try to sort this out, I took a gig doing some copy editing for a company that edits science manuscripts before submission to peer-reviewed journals.  The first one was great, I think I made the manuscript better with my edits and I liked it.  The second one is torture.  It's on a topic I'm not super-familiar with, the writing is atrocious (one of my comments is on the order of: "you need to start over and re-write this section").  Will I like doing this long-term?  I don't know.  But at least I have something on my resume and I'm getting some experience.

That's what's goin' on, folks.  Not super exciting.  I'm also working on a "food babe-"style review of a few topics for the blog.  Genetically modified organisms, are "chemicals" bad and what does insulin really DO in the body.  Any ideas for new posts, hit me up on the comments.

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